As many of you know, who DO know me, I tend to "look over the fence" a lot.
For those who don't understand the metaphorical term it means compare myself and life to others, which is generally intentionally done and not needed.
I realize it's ridiculous, ESPECIALLY now.
It only hurts me and makes me mad. It puts me in a mood to the point where those around me want nothing to do with me. I get in a funk that is almost near impossible to get out. I mope and want nothing but sympathy. This is unlike me. I hate being pitied. That's how you know something's wrong.
The horirble thing is, most of the time... These people's lifes aren't all that splendid as I'm making them out to be, in fact what I'm getting upset over is ridiculous and unimportant. Sure.. They're talking to this person and that person never talks to me. Sure... They got their hair done and it looks great in that photo and everyone is complimenting them for it.Sure... They're in a relationship and I'm single..
Stupid. Pointless. Stuff.
Who CARES if that person is talking to them and not me. Fuck that person. If they're not talking to me, do I honestly WANT them talking to me.
So what if they had a good hair day and people are gushing.. Do I need to be an attention whore? No. If I'm having a good hair day, at least I can apprecaite it.
Does it matter if their in a relationship and I'm single. Whose to say if it's even a good realtionship. And hell, I'm not tied down, I can do whatevs I want!
It's stuff like this that pisses me off, the small, unimportant, stupid stuff.
Sure the bigger things get to me too, but the smaller stuff is generally what erks me.
But.. Whose to say no one has looked over my fence and thought the same thing.
I never think of that.
Hell, maybe MY grass is actually greener then those I think have the better lawn!?
I don't know their entire story, I could actually have the better lawn. Who knnows!?
And the more I think about it.. The more I think, hey, my yard isn't actually half bad.
I'm currently happy.
Planning on going to college in the fall.
Looking for a Summer job.
Spending time with people who I actually matter to.
Experimenting with things I've always wanted to try.
I have an amazingly supportive family.
I'm healthy.
And... so much more.
Maybe my yard is better.
And who cares anyway... As long as I stay content with my yard.
I need to stop being that obnoxious little puppy running around and around trying to see what the other dog is doing and if their yard is better then mine.
This puppy has a pretty great life.
Sure... sometimes it's dull, sometimes things don't exactly go my way... but... things could always be better.
However, I'm content right? Yes. So.. My yard is pretty bad ass!
Who gives a fuck about the other dog. Who cares what is over the fence. I have grass of my own to worry about. I can MAKE it greener instead of being so curious and jealous (green! Aha!). So.. instead of worrying about what others have. I should worry about my life and making it the best it can be.
The point of this blog?
Love you. Love your life. Don't worry about anyone else. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You have one thing no one else has. YOUR life. You're in charge of it. You can set your path. You can change it. You cna make it anyway you want. Don't compare! That wastes valuable time you have to make your life amazng!